This article has silliness written all over it. Just take the first part of the statement “Depression is the №1 reason for absenteeism at work”. Gee whizz … I wonder if there might be another reason for absenteeism: like a piece of shit job, unlivable wages, no job security – the average U.S. employee, unlike other more civilized countries, can be fired on a moments notice – and this is not even to speak of having no universal health care, no free education, no guaranteed retirement funds, etc., etc. Why wouldn’t the salaried worker be depressed? In fact, I would propose counter the presumptions made in this article, if someone were not depressed, they would be either mentally ill or a robot. And you and the good doctors at Stanford, Inc. want to bring us the ‘good news’ that a possible cause of depression is the lack of a chemical in the brain? Please, if you believe this I would like to sell you a bladeless knife without a handle.
Refrain: notice the photo of the yolo from the hood in this article … is it supposed to depict depression and absenteeism or is it just a veiled racism?