Interesting project, though I would like to say this delicately: I am not convinced. For example, if I tried to record or transcribe a dream that supposedly happened last night, I would not capture the dream, only the alibi of the dream. That is to say, my transcription would only be what I think consciously about the dream, what I say ABOUT the dream, what I can represent of the dream, not the unconscious dream as such. To get to the real dream, one has to go through a lot of zig-zag speech, often with another, about things that seemingly have nothing to do with the remembered dream. In the end, I would want the dream to speak, not me to speak about the dream. It does this in spirals and zig-zags, not lines of squares. This example can be generalized to other activities, sex, dancing, school, etc. One way to say the same thing, is the most important events are those you absolutely forget — or try to — not simply what you can remember, speak about, represent, and put on paper. So, to conclude, could I ask in another direction, is your journal method a way not to remember or build a habit, but forget something?
In any case, thanks for cause for reflection,