Fascinating! Have you heard the story of Simple Simon and the Fetid Rose? It sounds a lot like the story you are telling.
Simple Simon goes up to his local priest and says,
‘My gosh, I feel like an emotional plumbing system is inside me, every time I dislike something I feel like I need to take a pee.
The priest says,
‘What you need is to get rid of that pissed off feeling, all that shame, and inhibition, through some radical empathy and emotional cleansing.
‘But how to do it?’ replied Simon.
‘Oh, that is quite easy’ replied the priest.
All of us have to pee and shit, all of us have our dislikes and anxiety, we are all human! So are you! Just let all the negative emotions out at a later time in a stable safe place. That is what toilets are for! You may have to junk journal to get the bowels churning, but once the excretions start to build-up, validate them, don’t be constipated, they are natural. I will validate them with you. Once this occurs, you will discover how much freer you feel. Besides, a small fart in public never hurt anybody It’s cathartic!’.
Hearing such words of wisdom, Simple Simon let one go as he passed out the room, to which the priest responded with some radical empathy:
‘ Oh, fetid rose, so rich and brown, how it makes such a beautiful sound.’
Such words were so life-changing that Simple Simon left feeling relieved that he had finally managed to have his inner-most feelings validated by someone so Godly.